Mittwoch, 17. Juni 2009

My travel to France

Montag, 11. Mai 2009


Dear Sir/Madam
I´m very happy that i am among the 10 best candidates. The following arguments will certainly con Vince you that i am indeed the very best of them.

2. Pros:

-good communication skills
-specialized professional training
-university education
-job experiences in other countries than my own culture
-team player
-i bring my idear´s

III Text:

I think i would lit well in to your company let me explain why:
When it comes to working in groups i am excellent team player.
And i always bring my idear´s in to the team.
My Colleges and own Customers told me that I have good communication skills.
An additional strength of mine is to generate fresh idear´s and to implement them.
I have also reserved specialized professional training in several foreign countries and those experiences will be very advantageous for your company now.

IV Conclusion:

I hope the arguments have persuade you and we can work together in the Future.

Legalizing Marijuana?


On Tv there is a lot of talk about whether Marijuana should be legalized or not. There are many reports and so called experts who say the time is right for this. I believe that this drug is to dangerous and it should in no way become legal to smoke a joint in public, because our society be changed in a very negative way.


-smoking joints turns people into zombies.
-the smoke smells bad.
-the consumers needs to be aware of the THC content
-body remembrance.
-it manipulates the sensibility of my senses
-the "essentials" are forgotten
-gateway drug.

3. Text

Smoking Marijuana charges a person into an unpredictable zombie like like being.
the smoker has to take care of smoking a joint,because the dealers made the THC content of their "higher and higher". Smoking Marijuana damages the body and has a negativ effect on learning and motivation Smoking joints brings the senses into stress and it can lead to mental andbodily disfunctions after smoking a user is in a mentally unstable and he or she forget,the essantials. For many people the smoke of a joint smellsnot verry good. For many people who take drugs,Marijuana was their first drug.

4. Conclusion:

The above arguements should make it clear,that smoking Marijuana
should never be legalized for the general public.

Samstag, 25. April 2009

Mittwoch, 4. März 2009

My Friend

I would like to tell you some details about my friend.
His real name is Marcel but his nickname is Sally.
He is 22 years old.
And i have known him for over 5 years.

He lives in a house with his parents near Bielefeld.
And thats near my home.

He is a guy who like no one else more like create House music.
And he is constantly searching for the latest tracks.

He is good at organizer.
And therefore, its only natural that he works as an eventmanager.

There is nothing more important to him than the summer.
Because he like to grill an do it in the summer every day 3 times.
And if he was not grill he clean his car .

He is verry friendly and crazy typ

Currently we don´t do much together.
But I think when the summer comes along we will be togethermore often.

Donnerstag, 5. Februar 2009

My Project

Dear reader friend,
I would like to tell you about my Project.Tuesday the 27.01.09 we begin the Project with an archery course. And i can tell you its not so easy how it looks at winnitu. On Wednesday we made a canoe tour on the lippe, it was very funny and nobody wanted to quit.But the best of the day was that our teacher looked for arielle(you now what i mean). On Thursday at the gym we tried a new sport it is called "parkur" and it was very tiring but also demanding and interesting. On Friday the best day of the week in my opinion we stay in the quarry. And we rope down on a 25 meter wall it was a great feeling and i would do it every time again.My teacher jay was considering to walked down the wall naked. I think it would be a picture for the gods. But jay remained reasonable. ;-)
it was a funy week and I can only recommend everyone to do next year the same porject

Montag, 12. Januar 2009

The Landlady

Billy Weaver arrives in Bath after taking the train from London. He heads toward The Bell and Dragon, which is a pub he's been told he could spend the night at. On the way though, he notices a sign in the window of a nearby house: "BED AND BREAKFAST." Billy looks in the window and notices that it's a charming house, with a roaring fire and a little dog curled up asleep on the rug. On an impulse, he decides to check it out and rings the bell. It is answered immediately a little old lady who invites him to enter and tells him the room rate. As it's less than half what he was prepared to pay, Billy decides to stay. She tells him that he is the only guest as she takes him to his room. When he goes downstairs to sign the guest-book, he notices that there are only two names in the entire book. The names are over two years old... and what's more, they strike him as being familiar. As he struggles to remember where he's heard the names before, the landlady brings him a cup of tea. He seems to remember that one of them was an Eton schoolboy that disappeared, but she assures him that her Mr. Temple was different. Billy sits down before the fire with his tea and notices a strange odor that comes from the woman, something like walnuts or new leather. They begin talking about the former guests, and she notes that both of them were handsome young men just like him. He asks if they left recently, and she replies that both of them are still in the house on the fourth floor. Billy is confused and tries to change the subject by commenting on a parrot in a cage, which he thought was alive but just realized is stuffed. The landlady reveals that she herself stuffed the bird, and as she is a taxidermist she stuffs all her own pets. Billy realizes with a shock that the little dachsund by the fire isn't alive. He also notices a curious bitter almond taste in his tea, and he asks the landlady again: "Haven't there been any other guests here except them in the last two or three years?" She gives him a little smile as she replies, "No, my dear. Only you."