Montag, 11. Mai 2009


Dear Sir/Madam
I´m very happy that i am among the 10 best candidates. The following arguments will certainly con Vince you that i am indeed the very best of them.

2. Pros:

-good communication skills
-specialized professional training
-university education
-job experiences in other countries than my own culture
-team player
-i bring my idear´s

III Text:

I think i would lit well in to your company let me explain why:
When it comes to working in groups i am excellent team player.
And i always bring my idear´s in to the team.
My Colleges and own Customers told me that I have good communication skills.
An additional strength of mine is to generate fresh idear´s and to implement them.
I have also reserved specialized professional training in several foreign countries and those experiences will be very advantageous for your company now.

IV Conclusion:

I hope the arguments have persuade you and we can work together in the Future.

Legalizing Marijuana?


On Tv there is a lot of talk about whether Marijuana should be legalized or not. There are many reports and so called experts who say the time is right for this. I believe that this drug is to dangerous and it should in no way become legal to smoke a joint in public, because our society be changed in a very negative way.


-smoking joints turns people into zombies.
-the smoke smells bad.
-the consumers needs to be aware of the THC content
-body remembrance.
-it manipulates the sensibility of my senses
-the "essentials" are forgotten
-gateway drug.

3. Text

Smoking Marijuana charges a person into an unpredictable zombie like like being.
the smoker has to take care of smoking a joint,because the dealers made the THC content of their "higher and higher". Smoking Marijuana damages the body and has a negativ effect on learning and motivation Smoking joints brings the senses into stress and it can lead to mental andbodily disfunctions after smoking a user is in a mentally unstable and he or she forget,the essantials. For many people the smoke of a joint smellsnot verry good. For many people who take drugs,Marijuana was their first drug.

4. Conclusion:

The above arguements should make it clear,that smoking Marijuana
should never be legalized for the general public.