Dienstag, 9. Dezember 2008

My 2009 resolutions

I will try to stop smoking!;-)
I will try to get a good certification for my application
I will try to lose 5kg because the summer is going to coming^^
i will try to save money for a sommer holliday
I think that's all. If i finished this 4 things i will be happy if you mind i forgot somthing else or I must absolutely change something else, please write to me!

Montag, 8. Dezember 2008

Ghost Rider in Europa - MyVideo

Freitag, 5. Dezember 2008

My Christmas 2008

This year will be my christmas very stressful, because:
On 24.12.08 I will be celebrate Christmas with my family
On 25.12.08 I will be celebrate Christmas with the family of my Girlfriend
On 26.12.08 I will be celebrate Christmas with the family side of my father
On 27.12.08 I will be celebrate Christmas with the family side of my mother
but it is okey, because i think or hope i get a lot gifts.
I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year