Dienstag, 25. November 2008

My colorful past

I have previously many colors in my hair had.
But today i´ve been smarter and more mature.
Therefore I know now that this is not good looks,
and I prefer to stay at one hair color.
But I regret it not crazy to had had combinations
like blue and blond or red-black-blond
it was a valuable experience.

sorry but i didn´t found some picture with
a other color,but i asked my friend and he
will search for some more pictures.

Montag, 10. November 2008

My last Holiday

Sunnybeach 2008,
was my last holyday and when i look at my save account. I thing it was the last Holyday for the next 3 years. I tell you something about my last travel. It was a very funny and horrible experience. I don´t had ever been eaten so many pizza and döner in only 10 days. But does not matter I was on vacation. The weather was the hammer and
I could every day in the sun lie. In the evening we went every day in the club to dance and sometimes even what to drink. I thing it was a great holiday but again, I musst not travel to sunnybeach.

Celebrate the father day